Rosanne Dingli

Rosanne Dingli

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Guest Blogging at Dale's Place

Dale Harcombe
Dale Harcombe is a well-known writer and blogger - a fellow member at the ANZauthors group. She has a book coming out right now called Streets on a Map. To celebrate its release, she has invited me - along with a handful of other writers - to write guest blogs at her place: Write and Read with Dale.

Dale gave us all the same theme to write about: a jumping-off point from which to start. She linked it to the title of her new book, of course, but it could not have been more up my alley if she tried. Maps! I could write for hours about maps - they are the quintessential symbol for location. They encompass all that there is to say and feel about place, about leaving, about getting there.

Image from Uncyclopedia
I would like to invite you all to read my blog post - and the fascinating variety provided by the other writers - and comment on the blogs as you see fit. You might like to write about what maps mean to you. How they affect your writing, your travel, how you plan your holidays, and how you remember them.

For me maps mean location - a concept that is writ large in all my writing. Without my locations, my stories would fade away.

Please visit Dale's blog: the insights into how writers see maps, and the different takes that are possible, can be quite entertaining.

Afterwards, for another blog about location, why not click onward:
Venice: A great location for a book

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  1. The map idea certainly has evoked some interesting responses. Thanks for being a guest blogger over on my blog Rosanne. Readers and writers are learning a lot about the creative process.

  2. Dale it was a pleasure. I love opportunities to examine why I think like I do!
