The story is always there of course - we all know that people love the concept of narrative, so my stories are well thought-out and crafted. A lot can be wrapped up in a story.
What does Rosanne Dingli wrap up inside her stories?
My stories are built on a lifetime of reading, listening to music, painting, collecting, and travel. Each of my experiences, however small or insignificant, eventually finds a place inside a narrative. Inside my novels, short stories, and novellas - even inside my poems - readers find what I have lived. It is not directly put down as a word-for-word memoir, because it's fiction ... it's made up.But nothing comes from nothing. It's all reconstructed material from my life. All the music I have listen to, all the books I have read, all the pictures I have looked at and painted, all the places I have visited. Plane and train rides, and sea voyages, car drives - they eventually emerge to play a part. Locations are so important in my stories many readers say they seem like characters.
The books I have read since childhood - all have their influence, and it resurfaces to affect the story as it's written. There are also books read specifically for a story - the research I undertake is always intense and takes longer than the writing itself.
What are you really buying?
You are buying my travels, my reading pleasure, my education, my realizations, my mistakes, my sensations, my pauses, my hopes and wishes, and my work. But it's all wrapped up in heart-felt stories of action, adventure, thrills and spills.
Thank you for sharing the experience.